
What is NIC In Hindi ? Network Interface Card Kya hai ?
What is NIC In Hindi ? Network Interface Card Kya hai ?

NIC की full form , network interface card होती है। NIC एक hardware component है , जिसे computer devices में computer को network से connect करने के ... Learn more

Broadcast , Multicast , Unicast
Broadcast , Multicast , Unicast

Unicast, multicast, Unicast, Broadcast and Multicast broadcast सभी OSI Model की layer-2 और layer-3 पर process होती हैं। ध्यान रहे layer-2 data-link... Learn more

What is DNS In Hindi ? DNS kya hai?
What is DNS In Hindi ? DNS kya hai?

DNS का मतलब Domain name system है , यह एक naming database जो domain name को IP address में translates करता है। आप कह सकते हैं Internet पर availabl... Learn more

What is IP Address In Hindi | What is Internet Protocol , Types and It's Classes
What is IP Address In Hindi | What is Internet Protocol , Types and It's Classes

IP Address एक fundamental protocol है , जिसका use internet पर communication करने के लिए किया जाता है। इसकी full form Internet Protocol है। Network... Learn more

What is OSI Model In Hindi | Layers of OSI model
What is OSI Model In Hindi | Layers of OSI model

OSI full form , Open Systems Interconnection है , यह एक conceptual model जो describe करता है कि किसी network में applications कैसे communicate करते... Learn more

What is topology In Hindi ? Topology kya hai ?
What is topology In Hindi ? Topology kya hai ?

किसी network में Topology nodes / work stations या links का एक arrangement है। Network topology किसी network का layout / virtual shape या structure... Learn more

What is Modem ? and How Modem works?
What is Modem ? and How Modem works?

Modem एक hardware networking device है जो किसी एक computer network से दूसरे network में signals को convert करने में help करता है। इसका use computer... Learn more

What is Router in Networking? and How router Works?
What is Router in Networking? and How router Works?

Router एक internetworking device जो की OSI Model की layer - 3 (Networking Layer) पर work करता है। इसका मैं purpose different - different computer n... Learn more

what is switch ? And How switch works ?
what is switch ? And How switch works ?

switch एक data link layer (layer - 1) networking device है जिसका use किसी network में multiple devices को connect करने के लिए किया जाता है। यह OSI ... Learn more

What is Hub? and How Hub works?
What is Hub? and How Hub works?

hub एक physical layer networking device है जिसका use किसी network में multiple devices को connect करने के लिए किया जाता है। mostly hubs का use comp... Learn more