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HTML में tags एक तरह से keywords ही होते हैं जो define करते हैं कि किसी web page का content किस तरह से format और display होगा। Tags keyword के type होते है, जो हमे बताते है की कैसे content को format और content को display करता है।
web browser की मदद से हम HTML content और simple content के बीच अंतर कर पता है। HTML Tag के तीन main parts होते है -
पर कई HTML tags unclosed होते है। जब एक web browser HTML document read करता है तब वह top to bottom और left to right read करता है। HTML tags का use html document read करने के लिया use करतेहै। html tags की different properties है।
एक HTML file में essential tag होने चाहिए ताकि web browser HTML text & simple text का difference जान सके। आपको जितने tags चाहिए उतने आप use कर सकते है।
देखा जाए तो हर tag task perform करता है। हम html tags को इस प्रकार लिखते है -
<!DOCTYPE> = used for opening. <title> = to present title on status bar.
<p> = indicates paragraph tag. <h1> = represent heading 1 tag. <h2> = represent heading 2 tag <h3> = represent heading 3 tag <h4> = represent heading 4 tag <h5> = represent heading 5 tag <h6> = represent heading 6 tag <strong> = represent bold tag, <address> = represent author’s information <em> = indicates emphasize, <abbr> = abbreviation, <acronym> = indicate acronym for a words, <bdo> = represent current text <blockquote> = represent content from other source <cite> = represent tiltle,book,website etc <code> = represent part of programing code <del> = represent deleted text <dfn> = represent a sentence or phrase <kbd> = represent keyboard input <pre> = represent formatted text <samp> = represent sample output <var> = represent variable name <br> = used to apply single line breakH <a> = To provide link.
<a> = Represent anchor <base> = Defines the base URL
<img>= used to insert an image <area> = defines area of the map <map> = defines image map <param> = defines parameter for an object <object> = used to embed an object
<ul>=defines unordered list <ol> = defines ordered list of items <li> = represent items in a list <dl> = define a description list <dt> = define a term in description list <dd> = provide definition
<Table> = represent data in tabular form <tr> = defines row cell <td> = defines cell of html table <th> = defines head cell <tbody> = represent body contain <font> = defines font size, colour and face <col> = defines column with a table <colgroup> = defines group of columns <caption> = defines a caption for a table
<input> = define a Html form <textarea> = define multiple lines input <select> = represent a control to provide menu of option <option> = define option or item <optgroup> = It is used to group the options <button> = used to represent clickable buttons <label> = defines a text label <legend> = defines caption for content
<script> = इस Tag का use Javascript file को add या Html file में JavaScript को use करने के लिए किया जाता है। <code> = इसका use code को show करने के लिए किया जाता है। <link> = इस Tag का use CSS file को add करने के लिए किया जाता है ।
File : html_tags.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>HTML Tags Examples</title>
<!-- abbr tag -->
<p>An <abbr title = "Hypertext Markup language">HTML </abbr>language is used to create web pages. </p>
<!-- mark tag -->
<p>This tag will <mark>highlight</mark> the text.</p>
<!-- strong tag -->
<p>In HTML it is recommended to use <strong>lower-case</strong>, while writing a code. </p>
<!-- em tag -->
<p>HTML is an <em>easy </em>to learn language.</p>
<!-- dfn tag -->
<p><dfn>HTML </dfn> is a markup language. </p>
<!-- blockquote -->
<blockquote><p>?The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.?</p></blockquote>
<cite>-Mark Caine</cite>
<p>Steve Jobs said: <q>If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don?t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.</q>?</p>
<!-- code tag -->
<p>First JavaScript program</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
console.log('Hello JS');
<!-- keyboard tag -->
<p>press <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>c</kbd> to copy.</p>
<!-- address tag -->
<address> You can ask your queries by contact us on <a href="/page/contact-us">Contact Use</a>
<br> You can also visit at : <br>your address.
An HTML language is used to create web pages.
This tag will highlight the text.
In HTML it is recommended to use lower-case, while writing a code.
HTML is an easy to learn language.
HTML is a markup language.
-Mark Caine?The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.?
Steve Jobs said:
If You Are Working On Something That You Really Care About, You Don?t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You.?press Ctrl + c to copy.
You can ask your queries by contact us on Contact Use
You can also visit at :
your address.