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PHP हमें कई सारे String functions provide कराती है जिनकी help से हम String manipulate और बहुत से Operations perform कर सकते हैं। कुछ String functions इस प्रकार हैं -
Function Name | Uses |
strlen() | return string length (nothing returns for empty string ). |
is_string() | checks and return true if given variable is a string. |
strpos() | find the position of first matched substring. |
strtolower() | coverts a string in lowercase. |
strtoupper() | converts a string in uppercase. |
substr() | returns the sub string according to given arguments . |
ucwords() | converts first character upper case of each words of given string. |
ucfirst() | converts first character upper case of given string . |
lcfirst() | converts first character lowercase of given string. |
trim() | removes white space from both sides (beginning and end) of given string. |
rtrim() | removes white space from right side (from the end ) of given string. |
ltrim() | removes white space from left side (from the beginning) of given string.. |
print() | output of string and return 1 (True). |
echo() | output of string. |
strrev() | returns reverse string . |
implode() | converts an array in to string according to given glue (a symble or character that separates each array value). |
File : string_function.php
$str = "Hello everyone! Welcome to learnhindituts.com Now learn in hindi.";
echo 'length of $str is : '.strlen($str);
/* for line break */
echo '<br>';
echo 'postion of `welcome` is : '. strpos($str, "Welcome");
echo '<br>';
echo 'convert given string into lower case : '.strtolower($str);
echo '<br>';
echo 'convert given string into UPPER CASE : '.strtoupper($str);
echo '<br>';
echo 'sub string from index 16 to 29 : '.substr($str, 16, 29);
echo '<br>';
echo 'use of ucwords : '.ucwords($str);
echo '<br>';
echo 'converts only first character upper case of given string : '.ucfirst($str);
echo '<br>';
echo 'reverse the given string : '.strrev($str);
length of $str is : 65
postion of `welcome` is : 16
convert given string into lower case : hello everyone! welcome to learnhindituts.com now learn in hindi.
sub string from index 16 to 29 : Welcome to learnhindituts.com
use of ucwords : Hello Everyone! Welcome To Learnhindituts.com Now Learn In Hindi.
converts only first character upper case of given string : Hello everyone! Welcome to learnhindituts.com Now learn in hindi.
reverse the given string : .idnih ni nrael woN moc.stutidnihnrael ot emocleW !enoyreve olleH